
Zimele Wethu’s work is determined by five core values that we seek to live out, and be guided by, as we work with rural communities.

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We Embrace Dignity

Every person is important and deserves to live life to the full within an enabling environment. We empower people to realise their God-given value and arise to participate in a journey to their destiny.


We Promote Interdependence

Life is lived in relation to others and the environment, therefore, sustainable development is community that takes account of both the present and future generations. We build social networks and encourage practices that develop accountability and trust.


We Give Respect

Every individual should live, and be treated, with a sense of worth. We take time to learn and uphold the richness of diversity in people’s values, cultures, norms and beliefs.


We Encourage Sustainability and Self-Reliance

Embedded in the cultural philosophy of ‘Ubuntu- I am because we are’ is a system/network of mutual support for self-sustenance and continuity. By mobilizing these social networks we foster the sustainability and independence that are key to development.

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We Believe in Equality

A health community requires everyone to arise and equally participate in development. We work to uplift women and men, old and young, to realise their inherent gifts and talents so that they become empowered to actively and equally participate in their own development and that of their community.

“Like slavery and apartheid, poverty is not natural. It is man-made and it can be overcome and eradicated by the action of human beings.” 
— Nelson Mandela